It was a busy time for me. Lot of work, some training, traveling and usual stuff. But I didn’t forget you. So let’s jump quickly to my next reading list.
How do I keep up with technology? Learn how to stay up to date when technologies and languages changes everyday.
JavaScript and Functional Programming Hot topic these days! A detailed writeup about functional programming in JS.
Are you writing legacy CSS code? Writing good code is hard. Learn how to avoid writing code that would need to be replaced just after you finished writing it.
Advanced CSS: Sass Maps to UI Components Useful tips about organizing your SASS variables using sass maps feature.
Fake it ‘til you Make it CSS A nice overview of CSS techniques that could be used for states when content is loading.
The best podcasts for new coders, and the best tools for listening to them Podcasts are nice way to expand your knowledge, learn new things or just have fun when you drive to work, run, or doing something when you could also focus on listening. Free Code Camp shares some links for new coders.
Modern Javascript Free online course that covers basic and advanced concepts of writing modern Javascript.
Researching Design Systems Dan Mall did some research on design system across big companies. Nice inspirations for designers building styleguides.
Productivity Routines Top Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Authors Live By Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Authors share some of their routines and tips on how they stay productive.