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- • opinion piece Work from home
The erosion of the current working model was already happening slowly over the last decade. Still, the previous years of COVID-related lockdowns strongly accelerated the process. I'd argue this was a positive change!
- • reading list Reading list #11
Hello. It's Friday evening and I've got another reading list compiled for your pleasure. Enjoy dozens of interesting and inspiring articles and resources.
- • reading list Reading list #9 - Staying up to date with technology
It was a busy time for me. Lot of work, some training, traveling and usual stuff. But I didn't forget you. So let's jump quickly to my next reading list.
- • reading list Reading list #7 - Rainy Sunday edition
It's Sunday and it's raining. Perfect day just to grab cup of coffee, wear warm socks, sit in comfortable chair and enjoy reading. This week I've collected quite large set of interesting topics, so feel free to take a look and start reading!