Discover all blog posts tagged with #marathon topic
• personal journal Monthly update, April 2018
It was an interesting month. It passed by quickly though, like other months too. I get the feeling that the time is accelerating. Or maybe its because we live busy lives, not always focus on what's essential for us.
• personal journal Next challenge: Munich Marathon 2018
Feeling a little buzzed and inspired from watching the runners on the London's streets, I've decided to challenge myself. I've signed for Munich Marathon!
• photo story Photographing the 2018 London Marathon
The time went by so fast, and I didn't realize it was almost a year since the last event. This year the Virgin Money London Marathon was set on 22 April 2018. I wasn't watching the date, so almost by accident, I found out that it will happen on the last Sunday. Of course, I couldn't miss it.
• photo story Photographing the 2017 London Marathon
The 2017 London Marathon was one of my first attempt to street & event photography in London. I didn't set many expectations about the outcome as I haven't done much of this kind of shoots in the past. So instead, I've turned my mindset towards exploration and fun.