So, the first month of 2016 was dedicated to some cleanup, clutter reduction and simplifying. I’ve set a goal, to get rid of one thing for every day and today 31 days passed. Here are the results.
I ended with reducing much more of digital clutter, but nevertheless, it’s the action that counts.
- Facebook detox:
- 30 pages unliked,
- 3 pages unfollowed,
- 14 groups left,
- 4 people unfriended,
- 3 people unfollowed
- Email cleanup: 37 newsletters unsubscribed
- Mobile App deleted: 3 (Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp)
- Accounts deleted: 5 (Filmweb, Freelancer,, Paypal, Goldenline)
- RSS unsubscribed: 2
- Meetup groups left: 3
- Physical things:
- Old polar jacket (handover to charity pickup)
- Old sandals (thrown away)
- 4 pairs of old socks (thrown away)
In the end, I was more than initially thought, but it was all worth it. I’m still not happy with the content of my FB’s news feed and the amount of emails that are hitting my inbox every day. This will be the things I’ll continue working on in February. I will this time, however, put more focus on material objects.
I didn’t do much of the running this month. I’ve managed only to get 2 longer runs on weekends with Krzysztof. One in Lasek Wolski (the usual 9k). But the last one, just yesterday was quite interesting. We did almost 19km loop in Wąwóz Bolechowicki, about 20km north from Kraków. The distance was a little bit too long for me yet (the last 3km were sloooow), but the location and views were nice. From some hills, we’ve even seen some peaks of Tatra Mountains.

Besides of that, I’ve hit the gym 6 times, doing some pretty standard lifts: front squats, deadlifts, military and presses. I wanted to do more running, but unfortunately, the air quality was quite bad.
The first weekend of 2016 me and N. spent in Nałęczów. We’ve booked a Groupon for a weekend treat at Spa. The stay was okay, but nothing special. Small room, kitchen menu haven’t heard of a vegan diet (although the lady that was cooking was very friendly and flexible and happily served something for us. Kudos for her!). The offered service was also quite standard. We’ve ended up with 2 hourly full body massages.
Beside of staying there for chillout and relax, we’ve also visited some places around. We’ve been to Kazimierz Dolny, doing 2-hour sightseeing walk with a guide around the city.

And on the way back, we’ve stopped in Lublin, eating delicious pancakes for a lunch in lovely place called Zadora.
Can’t wait to see what the next month will bring!