
Discover all blog posts tagged with #training topic

  • January training update running log January training update

    An update on how the training for the London Marathon is going after, now that January is over and I'm almost at ⅓ of the training plan.

  • Quick recap of the year 2024 personal journal Quick recap of the year 2024

    A quick recap of the year 2024, highlighting some of the personal and professional achievements, travel experiences, photography and running.

  • Minor October update personal journal Minor October update

    A small update with few reflections and photos from the past month.

  • View from Thames bank at Battersea, London, UK personal journal Spring training update

    I can finally feel that I'm breaking free from the misery mixture of being unmotivated, lazy and just feeling low. It is still early, only roughly two months of training, but I can already feel some changes.

  • Running towards the changes training Running towards the changes

    This year was truly a setback to me. In the beginning, I grappled with the injury that I carried even from the previous season. Running was always an afterthought, and I've found enough excuses to skip way too many training runs. But this is going to change.

  • Wrapping up 2018 personal journal Wrapping up 2018

    Again, the time has come to sit down and look back into the past year. It's almost end of a busy, little dull year of 2018. If you're following my blog, please sit down and revisit with me the last 12 months of my life.

  • May training report and updates personal journal May training report and updates

    May is gone, and with lots of sunny, warm days we're officially entering summer period. It looks like it will be a hot one. As usual, I'm publishing my monthly summary for the past month. Enjoy.

  • Next challenge: Munich Marathon 2018 personal journal Next challenge: Munich Marathon 2018

    Feeling a little buzzed and inspired from watching the runners on the London's streets, I've decided to challenge myself. I've signed for Munich Marathon!

  • 2017 - a year in review personal journal 2017 - a year in review

    It has become my tradition to spend couple hours by the end of a year and write a yearly review post. I'm doing that since last couple years. Today I'm writing this on retrospection of 2017. I invite you to read my share of struggles and moments of joy, successes & failures, ups, and downs.

  • Last monthly update this year, December 2017 personal journal Last monthly update this year, December 2017

    Last days of December and year 2017 are through. Follow me on this monthly update before starting a countdown to the beginning of 2018!

  • Monthly update, November 2017 personal journal Monthly update, November 2017

    In the beginning of the last month of 2017, I'm writing a short summary of November to check and update about what's going on in my life.

  • Short monthly update, October 2017 personal journal Short monthly update, October 2017

    Autumn is already there and just two months left in this year. As usual, although not very regularly I sit down to reflect on past month. Follow me.

  • Slow and low July 2017 personal journal Slow and low July 2017

    Summer in London is different than in Poland - I guess, it's more bearable. Not so much extreme weather changes, not freaking hot, which is good for living in the city. This month passed quickly, again. Let's look into July in my quick, monthly retrospective.

  • Can't believe it is already summer, June 2017 personal journal Can't believe it is already summer, June 2017

    Just 2 days ago I went for a run on a warm and sunny afternoon and this thought struck me. It's already July and that means we're already in the 2nd half of the year. Amazing, how the time flies. If you care enough about what I do and think, stay with me for my monthly update.

  • Stepping up the game, May 2017 personal journal Stepping up the game, May 2017

    It is the first week of June 2017 and that means it's time to write my monthly review again. May was again busy month (tell me which wasn't) but I'm actually quite happy with everything that's happened and the progress I've made.

  • Recovery month, March 2017 personal journal Recovery month, March 2017

    I've got some delay with publishing this. Somehow feel disconnected with blogging recently and just this weekend got finally time on sunny, Saturday morning to sit quietly, think back and write about past month.

  • A month in review, February 2017 personal journal A month in review, February 2017

    A second month already almost behind me. Time flew fast, there wasn't much happening, though. Again, a little too much work and stress and not enough of perseverance...

  • A month in review, January 2017 personal journal A month in review, January 2017

    As time pass by, already the first month of 2017 is done. Here is my short look back into what was happening and how did I do this time. Also, a bright glimpse of the future.

  • Back on track in June personal journal Back on track in June

    Damn, it's been more than a month since I've wrote about running. To be honest, it wasn't very intense. Only couple of short runs and one longer run trip. But this month I'm finally starting to feel it.

  • Run to magic places running log Run to magic places

    Sometimes I'm just amazed how the same route looks and feels when you run it at a different time. Today, I went on the run in the evening, just about 1 hour before sunset. The photographers say that it's and golden hour.

  • First day of the spring running log First day of the spring

    I’m not exactly sure whether it was last day of winter or the first day of spring. But as usual, we’ve set for a run. Initially, we’ve actually planned to go somewhere else, but because of some unforeseen event day before, we’ve settled for a shorter route in Lasek Wolski.

  • Dirty dozen at Lasek Wolski running log Dirty dozen at Lasek Wolski

    Running this Sunday was all about mud, wet and slippery slopes. We started around 9:00 and traversed some nice trail paths in Lasek Wolski, small forest area in western part of Kraków. It was nice, technical run, mixed with a lot of sliding through mud and rain puddles.

  • Slow but steady, February winter edition personal journal Slow but steady, February winter edition

    Sometimes the journey is slow. Sometimes it’s just feels like you’re in the same place. If you’ve ever felt this way, then welcome. This month was just slow. I mean, it wasn’t nothing. There was lot of work, some training here and there but no big progress. Let’s take a look and see why

  • A journey to minimalism starts in January personal journal A journey to minimalism starts in January

    So, the first month of 2016 was dedicated to some cleanup, clutter reduction and simplifying. I’ve set a goal, to get rid of one thing for every day and today 31 days passed. Here are the results.

  • My month in review: August 2015 personal journal My month in review: August 2015

    Phew, this was busy month. It’s not even an end yet – still have one day to go – but I have to write this summary anyway. I doubt it will change that much tomorrow. So, lets get through.

  • Marzec 2015 - raport i przemyślenia running log Marzec 2015 - raport i przemyślenia

    Z lekkim poślizgiem postaram się przeanalizować poprzedni miesiąc. Z końcówką lutego zacząłem w miarę regularne treningi i marzec był pierwszym miesiącem, w którym udało mi się to całkiem dobrze. A więc do dzieła.

  • Resolving resolutions personal journal Resolving resolutions

    One year ago I wrote about some of my resolutions for the upcoming 2014. Even though it seems like everyone is bashing new years resolutions, we may call them differently but we all have them. So last year I posted here four points. Let’s see how I’ve got them.

  • Hamburger run running log Hamburger run

    Po prawie miesięcznej przerwie udało mi się znów trochę pobiegać. Nie był to jakoś specjalnie długi bieg, ledwie niecałe 7km. Ale dla mnie miało to duże znaczenie. Z kilku powodów…

  • Tydzień #2 za nami! running log Tydzień #2 za nami!

    Siedem dni szybko zleciało. Udało mi się wykonać zgodnie z planem wszystkie 5 treningów i jestem z tego całkiem zadowolony. Zapraszam do krótkiego podsumowania.

  • BUT - Tydzień #1, podsumowanie running log BUT - Tydzień #1, podsumowanie

    Co prawda plan treningowy wprowadziłem dopiero od wczoraj, to jednak już dziś wypada koniec pierwszego tygodnia. Nie wypełniłem normy…

  • Przygotowania do BUT-a czas zacząć running log Przygotowania do BUT-a czas zacząć

    Za 23 tygodnie BUT90 – Beskidy Ultra Trail. To jeszcze nie setka. Ale kolejne wyzwanie. Po ostatnich doświadczeniach z Chudego Wawrzyńca, zamierzam się lepiej przygotować...

  • Spring run #1 running log Spring run #1

    Co prawda nie ma jeszcze kalendarzowej wiosny, ale pogoda kwalifikuje ten bieg do kategorii wiosennej. Korzystając z wolnego weekendu postanowiłem wybrać się wreszcie na trochę dłuższe wybieganie...

  • Running recap of 2013 running log Running recap of 2013

    Since 2010 running has become an important part of my life and I couldn’t imagine myself without it. So, year 2013 has come to an end and I’d like to take a look back on the important events that happened to me during that time.

  • New Year's Resolutions - 2014 edition personal journal New Year's Resolutions - 2014 edition

    New Year is couple hours ahead. Last chance to make your resolutions. But actually, the chance is always there. You just have to do it. I want to share here some of mine.