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- • personal journal Moin, moin Hamburg!
It was a bit spontaneous decision, it happened quickly, it took almost 3 months of efforts, but here we are. We've finally completed our move to Hamburg, Germany!
- • shared link HafenCity photowalk
To experience something new, I’ve posted a story on Medium. Feel free to check it out.
- • photo story Streets of Hamburg
So my last post was about running in Hamburg. But I also did some walking. Here are some interesting places and moments I’ve captured on a short walk near Alster and city center. Enjoy.
- • running log Hamburger run
Po prawie miesięcznej przerwie udało mi się znów trochę pobiegać. Nie był to jakoś specjalnie długi bieg, ledwie niecałe 7km. Ale dla mnie miało to duże znaczenie. Z kilku powodów…