I can finally feel that I’m breaking free from the misery mixture of being unmotivated, lazy and just feeling low. It is still early, only roughly two months of training, but I can already feel some changes.
When I think about it, it is actually funny. Spending energy (by exercising) is unironically bringing more energy in return. I feel tired, sure, but on the other hand, I’m accomplishing more each day. And that’s a pretty good feeling.
April and May in numbers
April was 1st month I started to move more. I still had a lot of stuff to settle on my personal side. I’m pretty sure this contributed earlier to overall stagnation. I’m happy I was able to move past that phase.
- Two weekend hikes: Leith Hill ~(26km) and The Long Man of Wilmington (~21km)
- 4 runs (~30km in total)
- 1 bike ride (45km)
May was doubling down on being active and trying to return to some baseline fitness level.
- 17 runs (+140km in total), including Wing For Life race (~14.5km)
- 15 bike rides (mostly commute) + Ride London FreeCycle Event (~40km)
- 2 gym weight training sessions
I’m ramping up now my running volume like crazy. There are some reasons for that, but I’m not ready to share more details yet. Let’s just say some events are coming up this summer and early fall that I want to be ready for.
Wings for Life World Run 2022
I took part in The Wings for Life World Run this year, and it was a great event.
I wasn’t ready for any long runs yet, so I took part in this race just for fun. While it wasn’t the Flagship race like in a couple of cities in Europe, it was still a pretty nice experience. There was a meetup in Battersea Park, and the track led first around the park and later allowed us to just run laps on the way to the stadium.
I managed to run around ~14.5km in 1:29 before the car caught up with me. When I look and compare it to the year 2018, I managed to get 1km further. Maybe small achievement, but hey - at least I’m not worse.
RideLondon - FreeCycle Event
I’ve also participated in RideLondon FreeCycle fun, social bike ride organized on Sunday during RideLondon races.
It was an excellent opportunity to ride in central London on the closed streets, passing some major landmarks. I did a couple of loops around the route ticking around 40km (including the commute).
I’m curious how the June training will continue.
I kicked it off with a 4-day hiking trip during the long weekend of Queens Jubilee. I’ll share more about that in the next couple of days - but here is a glimpse of how it was.

As for running, my main goal is to stay consistent as I’ll be still increasing my weekly mileage - but most importantly, avoid any injuries!
Stay strong, friends!