
Discover all blog posts tagged with #ultramarathons topic

  • Running towards the changes training Running towards the changes

    This year was truly a setback to me. In the beginning, I grappled with the injury that I carried even from the previous season. Running was always an afterthought, and I've found enough excuses to skip way too many training runs. But this is going to change.

  • Running Magurski Ultramaraton running log Running Magurski Ultramaraton

    It's been already three weeks since the event and I don't want my memories to fade away. On 19th of August, 2017 I've attempted to run and finished 58km route of Magurski Ultramaraton in Kępna, Poland. I'm proud of this accomplishment and I want to share this experience with you.

  • 2014 Beskidy Ultra Trail report photo story 2014 Beskidy Ultra Trail report

    Niestety nie wystartowałem w tegorocznej edycji Beskidy Ultra Trail. I choć złożyło się na to kilka powodów, ostatecznie jestem z tego mimo wszystko zadowolony. Udało mi się za to pojawić z aparatem na trasie wyścigu i zrobić kilka zdjęć uczestnikom. Okazało się to samo w sobie organizacyjnym wyzwaniem.