Discover all blog posts tagged with #winter topic
• personal journal Spring bottom bounce, March 2018
Closing this month with small amounts of updates.
• personal journal Winter training, February 2018
February is the shortest month in a year, will this be a brief update then? Lets find out.
• running log Turbacz w marcu
Sobotniego poranka zrobiliśmy z Krzysztofem solidną trasę. Podejście z Koninek, przez Obidowiec zielonym i czerwonym szlakiem na na Turbacz. Zbieg przez Czoło Turbacza, także Zielonym.
• photo story Streets of Hamburg
So my last post was about running in Hamburg. But I also did some walking. Here are some interesting places and moments I’ve captured on a short walk near Alster and city center. Enjoy.