Trail Running

Discover all blog posts tagged with #trail running topic

  • Running on Tenerife: Adeje to Montaña Carrasco and back running log Running on Tenerife: Adeje to Montaña Carrasco and back

    If you, like me, came to Tenerife to seek challenging trails, hard rocks, curvy paths and beautiful views you won't be disappointed. Today I present first from many run/hikes runs I'm covering during my short summer break on Tenerife.

  • Running Magurski Ultramaraton running log Running Magurski Ultramaraton

    It's been already three weeks since the event and I don't want my memories to fade away. On 19th of August, 2017 I've attempted to run and finished 58km route of Magurski Ultramaraton in Kępna, Poland. I'm proud of this accomplishment and I want to share this experience with you.

  • First day of the spring running log First day of the spring

    I’m not exactly sure whether it was last day of winter or the first day of spring. But as usual, we’ve set for a run. Initially, we’ve actually planned to go somewhere else, but because of some unforeseen event day before, we’ve settled for a shorter route in Lasek Wolski.

  • Dirty dozen at Lasek Wolski running log Dirty dozen at Lasek Wolski

    Running this Sunday was all about mud, wet and slippery slopes. We started around 9:00 and traversed some nice trail paths in Lasek Wolski, small forest area in western part of Kraków. It was nice, technical run, mixed with a lot of sliding through mud and rain puddles.

  • Turbacz w marcu running log Turbacz w marcu

    Sobotniego poranka zrobiliśmy z Krzysztofem solidną trasę. Podejście z Koninek, przez Obidowiec zielonym i czerwonym szlakiem na na Turbacz. Zbieg przez Czoło Turbacza, także Zielonym.

  • Magic run running log Magic run

    There is always something special when reaching the summit. Doesn’t matter if it’s a rocky peak in a high mountain range or a small mound in the city. The reward is there, always. You just need to reach for it.

  • Running up this winter running log Running up this winter

    I don’t know why, but this season I was too lazy. I’ve only run occasionally, couple times per month (if any). Should improve that maybe during this winter. But from time to time, anyway I always enjoy a break from the city.

  • Change personal journal Change

    Things are changing. I already see some progress. I wake up earlier and have more energy. My tasks are getting organized better and I am able to finish it faster.

  • 2x Śnieżka, edycja 2015 running log 2x Śnieżka, edycja 2015

    Drugi raz pojawiłem się na starcie biegu “3x Śnieżka = 1x Mount Blanc”. Kilka miesięcy temu w głowie krążyły mi jeszcze przelotne myśli aby wystartować na dystansie ultra, ale oczywiście za mała ilość treningów skłoniła mnie do podjęcia krótszego wyzwania.

  • Tydzień #3 - z Dusiołkiem w tle running log Tydzień #3 - z Dusiołkiem w tle

    Upłynął już trzeci tydzień. I znów wszystko poszło dobrze. Może nie całkiem zgodnie z planem, bo pozwoliłem sobie na spore odstępstwa, ale za to było ciekawie i intensywnie.