Sometimes the journey is slow. Sometimes it’s just feels like you’re in the same place. If you’ve ever felt this way, then welcome. This month was just slow. I mean, it wasn’t nothing. There was lot of work, some training here and there but no big progress. Let’s take a look and see why.
I failed at going to gym regularly. After good first month, the usual work-stress-no-time period occurred and I just could’t motivate myself to hit the iron. Too bad.
On the other hand, with running there was some improvement. At least with the distance. I’ve tracked: 10hours and 75km in February which is good, 30% improvement over last month. If I keep it that way, in March I’ll be on track to hit 100km. I would be very happy to do that.
I’ve finished one long run (22km), completed Strava challenges: Strava Races: Half Marathon and February Run Climbing Challenge (1500m elevation gain). Together with Krzysiek we’ve also finished 2 trail runs – one via Luboń Wielki and another via Kamiennik & Łysina.

Both runs were in chill and winter conditions, with mud and snow ahead of us. But of course, I’m very happy I did them. Still there are many beautiful places around which we yet have to visit.
Other stuff
In therms of everything else, I’ll just keep in short.
I’ve been playing and exploring more React Native stack for developing mobile iOS application. But since progress is actually little bit slow for me, I’ve also wanted to look more into pure React and Redux.
Over couple evenings I’ve coded simple Todo application with that tools. But to be honest, I feel quite burned out at the moment so I don’t know how it will go in the future. We’ll see about that.
Since beginning of 2016 Netflix was announced in Poland. With much hype, we’ve signed in – but actually I was quite disappointed. The shows I wanted to watch were simply not available. Obviously, using VPN helped and we’ve used it in January and even paid for next month.
Unfortunately in last couple of days Netflix has stated to block access to customers using VPN or proxy services and for me this simply means end of using its service. I understand that they have contracts with movies distributors but this shows just how broken this market is. Loosing paying customers because they won’t let you stream your movie in your country. Fucking stupid idea.
Good news everyone!
But, not to finish with negative feedback. I’ve got some good news too. And its a big one! In one month from now I’ll be packing my stuff and fly to San Francisco for Smashing Conference! Can’t wait!